Django integration for HTTPolice

Django-HTTPolice is a package that integrates HTTPolice into Django 1.11+.

For recent changes in Django-HTTPolice, see the changelog.


For a small example of Django-HTTPolice in action, see the example directory in the Git repo.


$ pip install Django-HTTPolice

This package provides django_httpolice.HTTPoliceMiddleware. Add it to your MIDDLEWARE list, as close to the top as possible:

    # ...

This middleware does nothing until you also set the HTTPOLICE_ENABLE setting to True.

When enabled, the middleware checks all exchanges passing through it. Then, there are two different ways to see the results of these checks.

Viewing the backlog

All exchanges checked by the middleware are stored in a global variable called the backlog. By default, it holds up to 20 latest exchanges, but you can override by setting HTTPOLICE_BACKLOG to a different number.

The package also provides the django_httpolice.report_view() function. Add it to your URLconf like this:

import django_httpolice

urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    url(r'^httpolice/$', django_httpolice.report_view),
    # ...

When you start the server and open /httpolice/ (or whatever URL you chose), you will see an HTML report on all the exchanges currently in the backlog. The latest exchanges are shown at the bottom of the report.

If HTTPOLICE_ENABLE is not True, the view responds with 404 (Not Found).

You can also access the backlog from your own code: it’s in the django_httpolice.backlog variable, as a sequence of httpolice.Exchange objects. The latest exchange is backlog[-1].

Raising on notices

If you set the HTTPOLICE_RAISE setting to 'error', then the middleware will raise a django_httpolice.ProtocolError whenever a response is found to have any notices of severity “error” (that are not silenced). If you set it to 'comment', this will happen even for severity “comment”.

The exchange is still added to the backlog.

This can be used to fail tests on problems:

$ python test
ERROR: test_query_plain (example_app.test.ExampleTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "[...]/django_httpolice/", line 92, in process_response
    raise ProtocolError(exchange)
django_httpolice.common.ProtocolError: HTTPolice found problems in this response:
------------ request: GET /api/v1/words/?query=er
C 1070 No User-Agent header
------------ response: 200 OK
E 1038 Bad JSON body

Ran 4 tests in 0.380s

FAILED (errors=1)

Silencing unwanted notices

To silence notices you don’t care about, you can use the HTTPOLICE_SILENCE setting:

HTTPOLICE_SILENCE = [1070, 1110, 1194]

They will disappear from reports and will not cause ProtocolError.

By default, HTTPOLICE_SILENCE includes some notices that are irrelevant because of Django specifics, such as 1110.

Of course, the HTTPolice-Silence header works, too:

def test_unauthorized(self):
    response = self.client.get('/api/v1/products/',
                               HTTP_HTTPOLICE_SILENCE='1194 resp')
    self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 401)