Django integration for HTTPolice ================================ .. highlight:: console Django-HTTPolice is a package that integrates `HTTPolice`__ into Django 1.11+. __ For recent changes in Django-HTTPolice, see the `changelog`__. __ Example ------- For a small example of Django-HTTPolice in action, see the `example directory`__ in the Git repo. __ Installation ------------ :: $ pip install Django-HTTPolice .. highlight:: py This package provides :class:`django_httpolice.HTTPoliceMiddleware`. Add it to your `MIDDLEWARE` list, as close to the top as possible:: MIDDLEWARE = [ 'django_httpolice.HTTPoliceMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', # ... ] This middleware does **nothing** until you also set the `HTTPOLICE_ENABLE` setting to `True`. When enabled, the middleware checks all :ref:`exchanges ` passing through it. Then, there are two different ways to see the results of these checks. Viewing the backlog ------------------- All exchanges checked by the middleware are stored in a global variable called the *backlog*. By default, it holds up to 20 latest exchanges, but you can override by setting `HTTPOLICE_BACKLOG` to a different number. The package also provides the :func:`django_httpolice.report_view` function. Add it to your URLconf like this:: import django_httpolice urlpatterns = [ # ... url(r'^httpolice/$', django_httpolice.report_view), # ... ] When you start the server and open ``/httpolice/`` (or whatever URL you chose), you will see an HTML report on all the exchanges currently in the backlog. The **latest** exchanges are shown at the **bottom** of the report. If `HTTPOLICE_ENABLE` is not `True`, the view responds with 404 (Not Found). You can also access the backlog from your own code: it’s in the :data:`django_httpolice.backlog` variable, as a sequence of :class:`httpolice.Exchange` objects. The latest exchange is ``backlog[-1]``. Raising on notices ------------------ If you set the `HTTPOLICE_RAISE` setting to ``'error'``, then the middleware will raise a :exc:`django_httpolice.ProtocolError` whenever a **response** is found to have any notices of severity "error" (that are not :ref:`silenced `). If you set it to ``'comment'``, this will happen even for severity "comment". The exchange is still added to the backlog. .. highlight:: console This can be used to fail tests on problems:: $ python test ...E ====================================================================== ERROR: test_query_plain (example_app.test.ExampleTestCase) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): [...] File "[...]/django_httpolice/", line 92, in process_response raise ProtocolError(exchange) django_httpolice.common.ProtocolError: HTTPolice found problems in this response: ------------ request: GET /api/v1/words/?query=er C 1070 No User-Agent header ------------ response: 200 OK E 1038 Bad JSON body ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.380s FAILED (errors=1) .. highlight:: py .. _django-silence: Silencing unwanted notices -------------------------- To :ref:`silence ` notices you don't care about, you can use the `HTTPOLICE_SILENCE` setting:: HTTPOLICE_SILENCE = [1070, 1110, 1194] They will disappear from reports and will not cause `ProtocolError`. By default, `HTTPOLICE_SILENCE` includes some notices that are irrelevant because of Django specifics, such as `1110`__. __ Of course, the ``HTTPolice-Silence`` header works, too:: def test_unauthorized(self): response = self.client.get('/api/v1/products/', HTTP_HTTPOLICE_SILENCE='1194 resp') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 401)